वन्य जीवन एवं पर्यावरण

International Journal of Environment & Agriculture ISSN 2395 5791


बीती सदी में बापू ने कहा था

"किसी राष्ट्र की महानता और नैतिक प्रगति को इस बात से मापा जाता है कि वह अपने यहां जानवरों से किस तरह का सलूक करता है"- मोहनदास करमचन्द गाँधी

ये जंगल तो हमारे मायका हैं

Jan 28, 2022

Where flowers bloom, so does hope


Rare flower blooms in Kheri 

“Lovely flowers are the smiles of god’s goodness.”

Amorphophallus  paeoniifolius (Amarphophallus= shapeless penis, paeoniifolius= peony like foliage) 

The biggest and one of the rarest flowers in the world is blooming in Salempur village of Kheri district Uttar Pradesh India.

This flower is about 1.5 feet tall and will bloom for only 5-6 days before shedding its leaves. The flower emits an odor most frequently compared to that of rotting flesh. In India, which is home of the Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, the plant is known as the Elephant Yam or Khanta. One of the Earth’s most unusual plants- the Elephant Yam- is now in full flower in the Salempur village. The Flower of the Elephant Yam is a large purple knob with a scent like rotting flesh to attract its pollinators, carrion flies and beetles.  Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, the Elephant Yam, belongs to the Aroid family, Araceae. This family contains many plants recognized as having ornamental appeal such as Arum lilies, Monstera, A. titanium and Syngonium. The family is charecterised by its inflorescence, consisting of fleshy spike of small flowers(spadix) usually subtended by a large bract. Elephant Yam occurs through the tropics, from India to New Guinea and to Australia. The species was previously called Amorphophallus campanulatus.
This plant produces a single inflorescence followed by a solitary leaf. The plant is deciduous, dying back to a large underground corm, weighing up to 9 kg, after the growing season. Some people regard the inflorescence as bizarre. It comprises a large spadix crowned with a bulbous purple knob, encircled by a fleshy purple and green blotched spathe up to 50cm wide. On successful pollination of the female flowers the spadix can extend to 2 meter tall. The fresh inflorescence emits an odore reminiscent of rotting flesh to attract pollinating carrion flies and beetles.Some people regard the inflorescence as bizarre, they believe that the flower is the symbol of Lord Shiva’s phallus. The flowering of Zimikand or Elephant Yam, not usually seen in northern India, In a village has evoked lot of curiosity among people. Salempur, a village near lakhimpur city of kheri district India, has suddenly become a much visited place, thanks to  the great nature mother which has many uniqe biological phenomenon. The people started making a line to the place to see the plant. The inflorescence blossomed in the muddy, home premises of the villagers. The unusual feature of the flower is that its big phallus like flower emerged from the earth in the last week of the May, high temperature may be main cause to the flowering of this plant, I asked to the people of my district that they saw that flower in his life or not, They never seen it in his life, villagers said. It happens only after 9 to 12 year like Bamboo’s flowering.

A number of plants and flower symbol have a different significance from that which is generally given to them, we are all familiar with barely was the symbol of valva in ancient Rome, lotus is found throughout antiquity, in art as well as in religion, was a sexual symbol, representing to the ancients the combination of male and female sexual organs. It is another expression of the sex worship of that time.  In Salempur village the worship of phallic flower, it is the best example of phallicism in India, we can found the sex worship and symbolism of primitive tribes in our literature and sculptures.

The Earth’s smelliest flower has opened in the Kheri district. The bloom is attracting thousands of admires. It is the first time the flower, Elephant Yam, has bloomed in district Kheri, people and botanist said.
It smells like a dead animal.  The flower started to bloom at Salempur village, district kheri, Uttar PradeshIndia, at morning Wednesday when a village girl went his home’s premises where this beautiful and unusual flower has emerged from Soil, She started crying “what this is”! People gathered at place where this flower was bloomed, but they could not identified this phallus like flower, They felt it is the symbol of Lord Shiva and start worship of this big flower by flowers.

Amorphophallus is a big genus of some 170 tropical and subtropical tuberous herbaceous plants from the Araceae family. It belongs to a family where most of the members contain calcium oxalate crystals. This substance is toxic fresh and, if eaten, makes the mouth digging in to them. However, calicium oxalate is easily broken down either by thoroughly cooking the plant or by fully drying it and, in either of these states, it is safe to eat the plant. People with a tendency to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones and hyperacidity should take especial caution if including this plant in their diet.
The flower are monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female but both sexes can be found on the same plant) are pollinated by flies.

Medical Uses
The root is carminative, restorative, stomachic and tonic. It is dried and used in the treatment of piles and dysentery, the fresh root acts as an acrid stimulant and expectorant. It is much use in our country in the treatment of acute rheumatism.

Krishna Kumar Mishra
77, Canal Road Shiv Colony Lakhimpur Kheri
Uttar PradeshIndia

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